Our Age With Power program prevents the decline of bone mass, muscle strength, and anabolic hormones so you can function better with more energy, sleep, strength, bone health and mobility for a longer, healthier life.



We provide a range of services using a variety of exclusive, unique equipment at our office, with the goal to treat and ease debilitating physical, and even mental, conditions. The services we offer are, PEMF, Vasper, and bioDensity strength training. Below, you’ll find a detailed list of the equipment and their functions.

Have questions or require more information? Feel free to give us a call! Ready to book? Click the button below to schedule an appointment! We will help you find the exact treatment plan that is tailored to fit your specific needs.

Our Equipment

PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy)

From Pulse Centers XL Pro model, this is the only solid state machine of its kind where you can vary both the intensity and frequency of the pulses generated. PEMF increases the voltage across cell membranes, which aids the cell in its function. PEMF helps decrease chronic pain, improve circulation, decrease inflammation, and speed bone formation. It’s been cleared by the FDA for use in non-union fractures, cervical spine fusion post surgical recovery, and depression unresponsive to medication. Like you charge your cell phone, we use PEMF to charge your cells to improve cellular function and repair. We use it either whole body or in targeted treatments of a specific body area.

Power Plates

This is the Ferrari of whole body vibration. These platforms vibrate two to four mm in three different planes. Front to back, side to side, and up and down. This maximizes the effect of vibration, which is threefold. First muscle must react to each vibration, for example if the PP (Power Plate) is vibrating at 40hz and it runs 30 seconds, that muscle fibers will contract 1200 times because of the vibratory reflex. Second, when exercising a muscle you generally use about 40 percent of the muscle, under vibration you use 95 percent of it. You get more muscle activity in less time. Better strength, and stretch under vibration. Third, you can turn on muscles chronically inhibited by long-term pain. With pain, your nervous system stops muscles from firing and over a long time they can be chronically turned off, causing atrophy and weakness which then leaves joints more vulnerable to damage. Vibration decreases the inhibition and turns the muscles on again. This aids in recovery, and improves balance and coordination.


BioDensity from Performance Health Systems is described as non-medical exercise device that allows you to create maximum force during four different exercises to stimulate bone growth, and strengthen muscles. These four exercises are performed in optimal posture with the client creating all the force, (which makes it very safe), over a five-second period. That’s 20 seconds of exercise per week to build bone and muscle strength. The machine records the amount of force generated and it can be compared week to week to check progress. This force that’s generated makes the body respond because bone, like any other tissue in the body responds to the forces generated and produces more bone, and the muscle builds more myofibrils which increases the strength of the muscles. With over 200,000 pieces of data on participants they averaged a 73 percent increase in strength in a once-a-week program in one year. It was over 141 percent after two years, over 200 percent in year three, and almost 400 percent in year four.


reACT stands for rapid eccentric anaerobic core trainer. It was originally designed for the US Olympic ski team. It basically works your leg muscles while they are getting longer, what we call eccentric exercise. Most weight systems are concentric, which means the muscle is shortening during exercise, i.e. a bicep curl. The two ends of the biceps are getting closer. reACT works the opposite. It puts stress on the muscle while it gets longer, which builds muscle a lot faster than concentric. There is no impact either, which minimizes joint stress while building leg muscles. It improves balance and coordination, improves the ability to absorb force when your foot lands during walking or running. It helps to decrease fall risk and improves the ability to handle uneven surfaces and going up and down stairs.

Vasper Exercise System

This maximizes the brain and body response by combining HIIT (high intensity interval training) with cooling and compression. The first users were US Special Forces and NASA. It is now being used by the Texas Rangers Major League Baseball team, San Jose Sharks National Hockey League team and advanced health centers around the country. In 21 minutes of exercise, the combination of interval training, with cooling and mild compression of the arms and legs makes your brain think you’ve been strenuously exercising like climbing a mountain, and doing heavy crossfit for two and a half hours. The response created causes the hormone system to create additional growth hormone, and testosterone, which we lose 14 percent per decade as adults, and lowers stress hormones (which are catabolic) like cortisol. This will help build muscle, decrease inflammation and help people control blood sugar as well as improve sleep.


This is the top of the line most accurate Bioimpedance machine in the world today. It has been shown to be as reliable as Dexa scan when compared side by side. It is used at the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, and many professional sports teams to track their athletes body composition and recovery from injury. This tool allows us to measure muscle, fat, water (both intracellular and extracellular water) and individually in each arm, leg and trunk. We can also track phase angle (an overall measurement of cell health), BMR, reactance and resistance. It allows us to periodically measure a client’s progress (or lack thereof) through their customized program to make sure we maintain or build muscle while decreasing visceral (trunk) fat and their water balance. This way we can know they are getting healthier.


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